Thursday, March 8, 2007

so i hear papers just write themselves if you blog incessantly...

Becki and I were just observing that the quality of our conversations has really declined since THE DOG arrived a couple weeks ago. Whereas before our conversation was totally all, "Well Rebecca, the thing about globalization is........" now we only say things like, "WHO DID A BIG POOP!!!! DID YOU DO A BIG POOP!!!! GOOD POOP!!!! WHAT A GOOD POOP!!!! WHAT A GOOOOOOOOOD POOOOOOOOOOOOOOP POOPY POOP MCPOOPERTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shit, I don't even use words most of the time. Now I just run around the house making a serious of spastic arm and leg motions and weird barking/chirping sounds. And the worst part of it is, I think Cato might even be smarter than I am. He made an impressive display of ignoring Becki after she yelled at him this morning by staring at a blank wall as if there was something going on in his fuzzy little dog brain, and this made her even more angry! When Becki yells at ME, I usually just throw myself onto my bed and cry.*

*just kidding. Becki doesn't yell at me. But if she did, I promise I would be paralyzed with fear and couldn't possibly pull off any move so thoroughly infuriating as staring at a blank wall with a strangely intelligent expression on my face.


Humingway said...

Wow, you're on a roll! This is a hilarious post. I can't wait until I can blog too.

lauren said...

But Humingway, nothing is stopping you. NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!

Steve O said...

seriously Humingway. get your shit in gear.