Friday, December 8, 2006

i'm going to be so strong and beautiful

I lifted weights this morning.

YES. I exercised. I'm not in severe pain yet, but I'm sure that's to come. Soon I'll be doing those terrifying yoga headstands with the best of them... Becki and I have planned a yoga study-break for this afternoon. I'm basically counting down the minutes. The only thing is, I have to start studying...

Now let me put some more cream and sugar in my coffee...

I deserve it. I lifted weights.

Well, since google/blogger seems to be having some sort of ISSUE publishing my post ... I thought beta blogger was supposed to be more reliable? Even though I couldn't mess with the html, wordpress was reliable...

1 comment:

Becki Sue said...

lifting weights is awesome.

but we totally didn't take our yoga break.

i feel so lazy now.