Sunday, December 10, 2006

writing a blog is easier than writing a paper.

And it's more fun.

I've been messing with my template, so you will notice that there are now "reading" and "listening" areas on the sidebar, with links! So much fun, and so gratifying to make those things appear there! I've been fooling around with using the blogger "widgets," where I can click and drag things around (the super easy way of making things appear over there) and trying to figure out how I can edit them on a lower level to do things like there be images for what I'm reading and listening to... I can do this, but I'm trying not to spend hours on it while writing a paper. Rrrrright. I also don't want the sidebar to look like a giant ad for amazon, even though I want to link there...

ANYWAY. I had a fantastic dinner out last night and I'll have to blog about that soon, when I have time to. I'm not taking pictures and making notes in restaurants YET, but getting damn close.

I've also become really curious lately about all the different types of salt, and salts from different places ... I love salt, so why not obsess about it to a really minute degree?!!

Finally, and I'm SO SO proud of this so please excuse my bragging - I was just able to put a note on a paper saying "all translations are my own work" for the first time ever. THIS is exciting!!! It certainly makes for excessively complicated paper writing, because then I feel like not only do I have to back up my argument (using these translations), in some cases I have to argue about why I translated something a certain way, why I think that's right, and OH LOOK HOW CONVENIENT that interpretation happens to support my argument in this here paper...

God I wish I had some time to knit today. I've really got to figure out how to knit and type at the same time. Maybe knitting with my feet? Or typing with my feet? Suggestions? Maybe I should teach my roommates how to knit and use them in an incredibly immoral sweatshop fashion? Or maybe I could dictate my paper ideas to them while I knit??? THAT sounds like a good one. No background knowledge required...

a note: how incredibly META that most of my posts are about blogging. I think I'm going to go vomit with disgust now.


ER said...

as your ethicist friend, i must tell you that making sweatshop laborers out of your roommates would be highly unethical and immoral. it would be funny, though.

lauren said...

Yeah, I don't think I could make my roommates work for me, no matter how hard I tried. They're smart. They'd be suspicious when I broke out the shackles.

Humingway said...

Once Steve gets a dog, you should train it to knit! I've been trying to train the cat to play Final Fantasy for me, but he always wants to play Grand Theft Auto instead.

lauren said...

Yeah, I would expect Morrollan to like the more violent games. Especially anything involving stabbing someone and then running away. Or knocking a bunch of shit over and then running away...

logossarx said...

Be careful, folks. Leo's blog allows her to act as a blogspot-big-brother and watch what you all do.

In other news...

translation is fun. Although your squiggly language is much more beautiful than my Latin.

lauren said...

yes, Andrew - e-stalkers ... REVEALED!!!!!

Also, I MISS YOU! Come to Chicago! Don't you miss having the life sucked out of you by a certain local institution of religious education???

Becki Sue said...

Oh... so I see your planning to enslave me, eh? Good luck! I stole the handcuffs out of your room. :)