Sunday, April 1, 2007

bwa ha ha!

Studying is hilarious when you get to read medieval beastiaries! Today I'm working on this one. I just keep giggling and thinking, "wtf?" (Yes, I think "wtf," not "what the fuck." My mind is hip like that.)

For anyone who isn't aware, my initials are L.E.O. Also my sign is that of a Leo. Oooo. My parents claim this was an accident. You'd think that by the age of 27 I'd be sick of this, but it's still just a source of constant amusement. Also, whenever you read ANYTHING about Leos it fits me to an alarming degree. Anyway, I was amused when I read this in the bestiary (the one I linked to above): "Also it is to be noted that ‘leo’, ‘leonis’ (a Lion) is derived from ‘Leo’, ‘les’, ‘lere’ (to wipe out or destroy), in simple form, which form is not now in use." (page 58 in that electronic edition from the link...) Wipe out or destroy??? COOL. I'm going to go crashing around my apartment knocking things over and making roaring sounds now!


Erielle said...

My name means 'lion,' so now anytime I break something, I know I am just fulfilling my namesake. What I used to think was clumsiness was just the lion coming out in me.
Thanks for the info!

taj said...
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taj said...
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taj said...
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taj said...

For some reason, the post's revelation made me think about Where the Wild Things Are. Now, I imagine your Sunday night to be a wild rumpus. Let it begin....

ER said...

"a wild rumpus" - that's hilarious (as is the image of you, leo, crashing around your house on a sunday evening). I wish I could've seen that!

lauren said...

Erielle, Travis, Michelle, millions of deleted comments - I'd say most nights in my apartment are a wild rumpus. Given the roommates and the terrier, and my apparent tendency to crash into things, much like a very large dog who isn't aware of her/his size...

I've decided to embrace this quality. Erielle, I'm glad you have too. I will think of you whenever I send some dish or precious breakable object crashing to the floor!

chef yum yum said...

what about leo johnson? is that another "leo" that fits you to an alarming degree?

yikes, leo!!

(also, when the nasty post about cleo's giving us horrible digestive problems?)

lauren said...

Oh, Chef Yum Yum! I will post soon about Cleo's, just for you. I still feel nauseous every time I drive by. HOW I HATE THEIR CRAPPY FOOD AND BARTENDERS.